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CHICAGO | Incantare & The Newberry Consort present: IL FURIOSO!

  • Ganz Hall, Roosevelt University 410 South Michigan Avenue Chicago, IL, 60605 United States (map)

Incantare and The Newberry Consort close their 2023-2024 seasons with Renaissance music influenced by the life and art of Venetian painter Jacopo Tintoretto, presented in collaboration with Incantare. This visually and aurally sumptuous program explores music by Italian composers from the Venetian School, juxtaposing musical works by Andrea Gabrieli, Gioseffo Zarlino, Nicola Vicentino, Leonora Orsina, Madalena Casulana, Diego Ortiz, and Giovanni Priuli against visual art by Tintoretto and other Venetian artists such as Titian, Veronese, Bellini, and Bassano. A mixture of opulent antiphonal works for instruments and voices balances small-scale improvisatory solos, dances, and canzonas that mirror the richly-hued textures of the paintings.

January 20

LOUISVILLE | Incantare presents EXILE: Music of the Early Modern Jewish Diaspora

April 19

ATLANTA | Atlanta Baroque Orchestra Jubilee